How to Round to the Nearest Integer in Python

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A brief note on rounding numbers in Python 3.

Python provides a built-in function for rounding numbers: round.

round(number[, ndigits])

This function rounds the number to ndigits decimal places (by default, zero decimal places, i.e., to the nearest integer).


round(2.65, 1)
round(2.75, 1)

There is a peculiarity that is important to be aware of and is often overlooked.

From school, many are used to the fact that when the (N + 1)th digit is 5 and subsequent digits are zero, rounding always goes towards the larger magnitude.

However, as can be seen from the examples, this is not the case in Python. Here, the so-called “bank rounding” is used, which means rounding to the nearest even number.

In practice, this is not as critical. For example:

round(2.85, 1)

Something seems off, right? Actually, everything is as intended. It’s just that due to precision issues with floating-point numbers, this number is slightly more than 2.85, and hence it gets rounded to 2.9.

You can see this with the fractions module:

from fractions import Fraction
a = Fraction(2.85)
b = Fraction('2.85')
print(a == b)
print(a > b)

5 / 5. 1


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